• info@anvayasolutions.com
  • +1 (916) 673-9300

At Anvaya, we believe in contributing back to the communities we live in by volunteering and providing support to education and awareness initiatives.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility 

We are a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable company.

  • Volunteering Activities.
    Our employees have donated thousands of hours mentoring youth as coaches and mentors for Cyber Patriot and FIRST Robotics teams, through various local and national organizations such as Boy Scouts of America, 4-H, Society of Women Engineers, Intel PC Pals,  National Engineers Week, and as judges at Science fairs at local, regional, national and international level. We also served on Parent Teacher Organizations at middle and high schools. We serve on several boards, committees, and advisory boards in the National Association of Women Engineers, Community Advisory Panels, ISACA, and Infragard.
  • Pro-bono Security Awareness Training.
    Over 100 small businesses in the Sacramento area have taken advantage of our pro-bono security awareness training in the last year alone through NAWBO, Women’s Business Center, SBDC, California Department of Transportation, and Small Business Connecting Point.
  • Participation in Industry Forums and focus on education.
    We contribute to the education of our fellow cyber security professionals through our speaking and presentation engagements at various IT Security Conferences.
  • Support for High-School Preceptorship programs.
    Anvaya participates in a high school preceptorship program providing real-life experience to students.

Anvaya is a recognized and certified sustainable business.
